Ayla El Moussa: Blockchain, feminity and the Boundaries of Art

Ayla El Moussa: Blockchain, feminity and the Boundaries of Art

23 June 2023

In our most recent Cassie podcast, our co-founder CEO Stuart Smyth sat down with Ayla El Moussa, a rising star in the world of digital art and NFTs, to discuss her unique artistic journey. From her deep-rooted connection with mythology to her fascination with the blockchain and the power of minting artwork on the digital ledger, Ayla shares her insights and experiences that have shaped her artistic style. This article dives into the interview, shedding light on Ayla's background, creative process, and her exploration of the intersection between traditional and contemporary art.

Discovering Inspiration through Mythology and Depth Psychology

Ayla's passion for mythology and storytelling can be traced back to her upbringing in a family of Waldorf teachers. Growing up, she was immersed in the art of teaching through captivating tales, and this influence spurred her fascination with mythology. Ayla pursued a master's degree in mythology and depth psychology, delving into the realms of the subconscious mind, archetypes, and symbolism. She credits figures like Freud and Carl Jung for inspiring her exploration of the subconscious and how it manifests in dreams. Ayla even shares her personal experience of receiving artistic inspiration through a lucid dream, which played a pivotal role in shaping her unique artistic style.

From Lucid Dreams to Blockchain Art

Ayla's artistic journey took an intriguing turn when Stuart Smyth, in a candid exchange, shared his experience with ADHD and a psychologist's suggestion to induce a sleep state by holding a pen. Fascinated by this concept, Ayla discusses her passion for dreaming and the untapped knowledge hidden within the subconscious realm. The interview also sheds light on Ayla's creative process and the genesis of her ideas. Drawing inspiration from Bruce Lee's concept of being formless and shapeless like water, she recalls a transformative moment before falling asleep when she envisioned a crashing wave passing through her body. This idea of formlessness and water's adaptability became a central theme in her work.

The Blockchain Revolution

A turning point in Ayla's artistic career came in 2018 when she discovered the revolutionary concept of blockchain technology and fractionalized JPEGs. Intrigued by the potential it offered, she embarked on a search for a digital frame that could showcase her work while providing provenance. Through her exploration, she stumbled upon art.com, a company offering a screen for purchasing and uploading artwork, similar to the Samsung art frame. Ayla recognized the untapped possibilities and collaborated with them to expand her reach. As the interview progresses, Ayla delves deeper into the world of blockchain technology, particularly Ethereum and platforms like OpenSea. She emphasizes the impact of the pandemic and the Clubhouse app in connecting her with other photographers in the NFT space. Ayla expresses her excitement about artists immortalizing their contributions by minting their work on the blockchain, comparing it to sculptors preserving their creations in marble.

Blending Traditional and Contemporary Influences

Ayla's artistic style reflects a harmonious blend of influences from both traditional and contemporary art. She draws inspiration from renowned painters such as Dali, Andrew Wyeth, and Caravaggio, appreciating their use of light, brushstrokes, and storytelling in their works. Ayla combines these elements with modern influences like Helmut Newton, Guy Bourdain, and Irving Penn. Through her art, she explores the intersection of lighting, sensuality, and powerful feminine presentations. Ayla also believes that humans derive inspiration from nature and often mimic its elements in their creations, incorporating symbolism and natural motifs into her work.

Navigating Success, Imposter Syndrome, and Pricing Art: As Ayla's career gained momentum, she found herself grappling with the challenges of success, imposter syndrome, and pricing her artwork. She discusses how having a larger following and financial success gives her artistic flexibility, allowing her to explore different styles and ideas. However, she acknowledges the heavy expectations and pressures that success can bring. Ayla opens up about her own experience with imposter syndrome, expressing both fear and motivation stemming from the desire to live up to expectations. In pricing her artwork, Ayla has taken a slow and steady approach, considering her own value and the feedback of collectors.

This interview with the mysterious artist offered a captivating glimpse into her artistic journey, exploring her passion for mythology, the blockchain revolution, and the interplay between traditional and contemporary art influences. Ayla's story serves as a testament to the power of embracing diverse inspirations, pushing boundaries, and finding one's unique artistic voice. As she continues to navigate the ever-evolving world of NFTs and digital art, Ayla El Moussa's work stands at the forefront of a groundbreaking movement that redefines the boundaries of artistic expression.